Home >  Entomophagy Nowadays>  Everyone's understanding
Everyone's understanding

We surveyed 174 junior high and high school students in our school's students.
We will discuss the results of these surveys and what we can learn from the results.

Q1 Have you ever eaten entomophagy?

Q2 How many times have you eaten insect foods? (For those who have eaten it before)

Q3 What kind of entomophagy have you eaten before? (For those who have eaten them)

・Locust tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce and sugar)
・Crickets are used

ex)Cricket crackers, cricket chocolates, etc.
These two were quite common.
Locust tsukudani has been handed down from the olden days as a local dish, and we wondered if there was still some insect-eating culture left in the area. As for the cricket crackers, which we also tasted, I thought that the buzz around the fact that MUJI had commercialized the product, the trustworthiness of the company, and the ease of picking up the product probably had a lot to do with the fact.

Q4 Why haven't you eaten it before? (For those who have never eaten it)