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In-school survey
We surveyed 174 junior high and high school students in our school's students.
We will discuss what we can learn from these survey results and what needs to be done to make entomophagy more accessible.

Impressions of entomophagy from those who have eaten entomophagy *Multiple choices allowed

Positive comments

・It was tasty.
・Tasted much the same as ordinary food (sweets).
・It was not bad.

Negative comments ・I had a sense of resistance (before eating).
・It was not tasty.

The number of respondents who answered that the food tasted good was overwhelmingly 23, while the number of those who said it was not tasty was 4. Many also commented that the taste was the same as that of common snacks. Therefore, it is clear that there is no problem with the taste of entomophagy.

Impressions of entomophagy from those who have never eaten entomophagy *Multiple selections allowed

Positive comments

・I am curious about what it is like.
・Seems to be good for my health.
・It would be a good topic of conversation if I ate it.
・I can enjoy the texture.
・Seems tasty.

Negative comments

・Smells bad.
・Seems to make me sick.
・Looks messy.
・Looks bad.
・Looks bad for my health.

We found that many people are curious about entomophagy, but are reluctant to try it because of a strong sense of resistance.
Some people have a good image of entomophagy, such as that it looks good for the body, so I think it is important to improve the appearance of entomophagy, spread correct safety information, and sell entomophagy in places where people can easily get their hands on it.

Q1 What do you think should be done to make people more aware of entomophagy? *Short answer descriptive

  • SNS
  • TV, magazines, and advertisements
  • Offer entomophagy in school cafeterias and school lunches
  • Sell in easily accessible places (convenience stores, supermarkets, etc.)
  • Make it a part of classes at school
  • Develop products in collaboration with major companies
  • We received many very interesting opinions. Introducing them to school lunches was one of the ideas we also proposed at the discussion meeting.
    We also feel that selling products in places where they can be easily picked up is certainly the most important. As we found out in this survey, many people have resistance to entomophagy, but if there are no or limited sales places nearby, I do not think that the opportunities to eat entomophagy will increase.

    Q2 What do you think should be done to make people want to eat entomophagy? *Short answer descriptive

    A. "Don't sell the fact that it is an insect."

    (e.g.) Change the appearance, and make the name unrecognizable as an insect.
    If you make the name of the product unrecognizable as an insect, it will certainly make it easier to pick up, but some people will feel cheated and say, "I thought it was just a common snack, but it turned out to be an insect. However, I thought that some people might feel cheated. There was a suggestion to write "Insects used" inconspicuously, but I thought it was unrealistic, given the allergy concerns.

    Secondly, I think it is very important to have the opinion that the product should look delicious and not leave the shape of insects. There are an increasing number of products that use crickets in powder form or products that use crickets in powder form. However, I believe that many people do not want to eat them just because they are insects, no matter how powdered they are. Therefore, we thought it would be good if we could convey the deliciousness of insect foods by sharing our impressions of eating insect foods that contain cricket powder. In addition, I think that most people are interested in cricket powder but do not know how to use it. More on how to utilize the powdery stuff in cooking later!