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What is the general perception?

What do bicycle users think? It seems that the recognition that a bicycle runs on a roadway in principle is getting permeated by the general public. The unreasonable thing that had been before was "The horn was blown when I ran the roadway by bicycle" is getting less.

Awareness surveys

Awareness surveys on recognition of bicycle use are being conducted at various institutions. I picked out about the place where the bicycle is running from among them.

Survey on the use of bicycles and pedestrians by Tokyo Metropolitan Government

According to the result of Tokyo Metropolitan Government went to 1,500 men and women living in Tokyo (excluding the islands), half of the bicycle users are traveling on sidewalks.

Q23. Where do you usually run mainly on a bicycle?

Source:東京都都市整備局 - 自転車・歩行者の利用実態 Webアンケート調査結果速報 http://www.toshiseibi.metro.tokyo.jp/kiban/suishin_kaigi/pdf/wg_douro_10.pdf

Many people run on the sidewalk even though there is recognition that the running place of the bicycle is a roadway. How will this contradiction occur? In the questionnaire, the questionnaire asked the reason for the person who answered "It is the main sidewalk that runs by the bicycle." The most common reason is "It is scary to run on the roadway", which is 67.7%.

What if bicycles running on a sidewalk is prohibited?

An interesting article was "月刊交通 2015年5月号 発行:東京法令出版/推薦:警察庁交通局/編集:道路交通研究会". The contents are "Questionnaire of traveling position when traversing is prohibited".

In other words, "If you are banning the bicycle pedestrian completely, are you still going to run on the sidewalk?" As a result, 80% of females and 64% of men said they would run on the sidewalk even if sidewalking was a violation of the Road Traffic Act. In addition, 85% of those who wished to drive on the sidewalk when riding a bicycle with a child.

Source:月刊交通 2015年5月号 発行:東京法令出版/推薦:警察庁交通局/編集:道路交通研究会

Our opinion

We examined the campus survey on recognition of the place where the bicycle is traveling, but we thought that the opinion was biased towards the student (those who did not obtain the driver 's license), and we posted a questionnaire by the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Urban Development.

Although bicycle users recognize that they are running on the roadway, they actually are running on the sidewalk. Why does this divergence between consciousness and behavior occur? We think that it is caused by the fact that the environment in which the bicycle runs on the carriageway is not enough than "The scary because running on the roadway" which is the primary reason.

