
About medicine
The reason selected on the theme of "medicine"

The reason we, the junior high school student without medical knowledge, chose on the theme of "medicine" is that we hope to know about "the importance of using medicine correctly", and to tell this to you while looking for the theme.
The view "self-medication"
The World Health Organization (WHO) decided that self-medication is to have responsibility for our own health , and to treat a slight bad condition of the body by ourselves in 2000, and showed the guideline about the use of medicine.In Japan, the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare discussed the state of the over-the-counter drug.The people who are the users of an over-the-counter drug are requested to have consciousness of self-responsibility.

About "Medical education"
In Heisei 17, through the "expert committee about the state of the education which cherishes the healthy body" of the Central Council for Education.In the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, "Medical education" was added to the government guidelines for teaching from Heisei 24 also in the junior high school We junior high school students also requested the suitable usage of medicine to know medicinal suitable usage, and are urged to develop the capability to judge by ourselves and to act.


Why do we use medicine?
Here, "what kind of Medicine we have" is explained.

Man's natural healing energy.
Men have "The natural healing energy " which we originally have, and we have power of trying to overcome illness and an injury by ourselves.Medicine serves to help this natural healing energy.

What kind of medicine do we have?
We use various medicine, when we are ill or injured. We use various medicine, a prescription being written in a hospital, injection and intravenous drip, or we buy medicine in a pharmacy.

●According to a use or the purpose, we have medicine as follows;.
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Medicine taken from a mouth

- A tablet and a capsule
- A syrup and powdered medicine

Medicine applied to the surface, membrane, etc. of the skin
- Ointment
- an antiseptic and eye drops etc.
Medicine directly put in in the skin, muscles, or a blood vessel

- intravenous drip and injection etc.
There is a rule in how to use medicine.
Although "medicine" is familiar to us, and useful, there is a rule in usage. And whether the medicine prescribed in the hospital, or the medicine which was marketed and was purchased, it may have the influence which is not good for health, if it is not used correctly.

●Isn't such usage carried out?
- Medicine is taken with juice.
- Take alcohol after taking medicine.
- Another family member takes the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
- It is forgotten to take medicine.
Such usage is an error!
First of all, we investigated about the right way of taking oral medicine which we can also practice immediately.
next, explain the right way of taking medicine.
What is the right way how to take medicine?

Copyright (C) Is the medicine which you take safe? All Right Reserved.
About medicine
How to drink medicine
Effect of the medicine
Proof experiment