
Let's know harmful effect.
We may also become a victim of a medical harm.
We was just studied with the familiar example the former "what kind of thing is it with medicine?", and "whether what I to do, using medicine correctly."
Here, the case where another theme of this site and medicine become "poison" is explained.
What is the harmful effect?
A medical harm refers to the thing which is generally depended on use of medical supplies and which the scale expanded by the time it became a social problem among harmful phenomena medically, and the thing participation of unsuitable medical administration is especially suspected to be.
Difference with a harmful effect and the side effect.
The side effects which happen with medicine can be predicted to some extent.Since it can predict, it can be coped with even if side effects happen.Moreover, medicinal side effects can be explained to a patient.However, a medical harm is a case where an unexpected action takes place, and there are many cases of a heavier condition only at a bad reaction compared with side effects.
What kind of example does a past include about a harmful effect?

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Let's know harmful effect.
What is the harmful effect?
Difference with the side effect
The example of medical harm