Is the medicine which you take safe?

Introduction ライン
Are you reading notes well, when taking medicine?
Are the doctor's directions followed carefully?
Medicine cures illness and an injury, but may cause a bad condition unexpectedly.Easy administration can be prevented by getting to know the danger of a medicine.
By making this homepage, we checked what the medicine was, and learned a right usage. We're glad if everybody knows about medicine well.
We introduce two guides of this site.
Hello!My name is Doku.
My name is a Yaku. Let's learn about medicine with us.
First of all, explain medicine.
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About medicine A disease and medicine Let's know the harmful effect
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International license.
All Japan junior high school high school Web contest All Japan junior high school high school Web contest.This site has participated.

Copyright (C) Is the medicine which you take safe? All Right Reserved.
About medicine
Illness and medicine
Harmful effects of a medicine
Site info