The kind of copyright


About moral rights of authors?

Moral rights of authors are the rights to protect the profits about an author's heart. The work is deeply related to portions, such as the heart which understands only the persons themselves himself/herself, such as an author's feeling and feelings, and an idea, etc. which built it. An author is not what accumulated, if other persons change the work freely and it is made a subject for laughter. Then, these moral rights of authors exist. Unlike writing property rights, these moral rights of authors cannot be conveyed to other persons from that feature.

The kind of moral rights of authors

Moral rights of authors can be divided into three kinds.

The right of an official announcement -- It is the right that it can be decided whether lends and there is any announcing to many persons a work. Moreover, it can also be opted also for how and when a work is announced about it.

The right of a name display -- When announcing to many persons a work, it is the right that it can be decided whether lends and there is any displaying one's name. Moreover, it can be opted also for how it displays, such as whether a real name is used or to use a pen name, when displaying a name.

The right of identity preservation -- It is a right for carrying out change, deletion, etc. freely about neither a work nor its title.

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