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Science in Australia


The smallest part of an element is an atom. It used to be thought that atoms are indivisible but they can be broken down into many difficult sub- atomic particles. All atoms, with the exception of hydrogen, are made up of three fundamental sub-atomic particles-protons,neutrons,and electrons.

I studied atoms.



Use these diagrams or your results to answer the following questions.

I conducted an experiment of acids and bases.

A report of eco-life in Australia

Tindo   Public buses which all power is covered by sunlight.

If they charge once, they run 200km a power source is sunlight energy, and it’s 100 persent. The origin of name is sun in Aborigine.

A solar panel on roof

I saw solar panels more than Japan. Australia is the greatest a number of solar panel installation in the world. Adelaide is famous of solar city which forward solar power generation, and the best comfortable city in Australia.

Rainwater tank every house

Australia is the driest continent in the world. Water is very precious, and Australian use rainwater for life. I was restricted taking a shower and washing in host family’s home. When they wash dishes, they soak dishes in water. They sprinkle water on plants by remnants of water. To imagine Australian life that water is important may be impossible for Japanese because we use water freely.

Positive in recycling

Collection of rubbish by type is famous in Japan. But in Australia, there was fight better than Japan. If they bring rubbish to be kept separate to recycling center, they can receive money. So, they are full of energy. Bringing eco-bag to supermarket is obvious in Australia.

My buddy is a scientist.

In my host family, other two students did a homestay at same time. They are from Thailand and Singapore. I felt Asian power. One of them and I conducted an air around wing flow visualization by super small wind tunnel. Technical terms are English. So, I felt a need for studying the science English.

A fireplace is foundation

This may be only my host family home…. They don’t have a fan heater and an air-conditioner like Japan. They have only fireplace in a living room. It’s very cold in my room, so I went to bed by putting on many layers of clothing. At night, they go to bed very early. Is the reason of this that useless light is unnecessary? I felt using electricity in Japan is very luxury.

Water is very expensive!

To be surprised in Australia is that we can’t use water freely. A bottle of mineral water (500ml) is about \300 in Japanese money. So, I bought juice and sweet soda unintentionally. Be careful for corpulence.

Electricity is sunlight

At night in Adelaide, there are many solar streetlights. Australia established a carbon tax,so it may be that they must shift to clean energy.

Beautiful city that has nature

Adelaide is a small city that has sea and mountain nearly. If we move by car, we can go anywhere. The actual place is winter, but there are blue sea and blue sky…. Air is very clear…. I felt it’s like Kamakura in Japan. A self-sufficient lifestyle in such a city may be good.


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