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Food Education Basic Law Article 24 “State and local governments are to take a measures to raise awareness of Japanese food culture and disseminate the knowledge of Japanese food to promote our traditional,great food culture.” Our government promotes the inheritance of Japanese food culture and food educations by laws such as Food Educational Basic Law. Many movements and events are held as parts of that.

Increasing the Consumption of Rice
Recently,the consumption of rice in Japan has been decreasing,and more and more rice have been surplus. To promote consuming rice in Japan,these efforts are carried out. Waking Rice Campaign This event is held by companies and organizations to promote the Japan-type eating habits centering rice. Making our daily diet regularly and promoting health by having breakfast every day is one of the purpose of the event. As they prompt selling rice-related products in that event,the consumption of rice is expected to increase. Promoting Rice-Centered School Lunch This effort is that government gives our school as much rice as the amount we increase in increasing Rice-Centered School Lunch. To be specific,we have a goal of the number of eating rice that is "more than three times a week".

In Food Action Japan,corporations and organizations expand their network and hold events to increase the amount of the consumption of agricultural products. This is a project to put points to Japanese foods to increase the consumption of Japanese foods. You can use the points to the lottery that you can win Japanese food. Food Action Japan Awards This award is given to developments of new products taking advantage of the taste and characteristics of Japanese food,and also given to movements for inheritance of Japanese food culture. Above all great things,government helps them spread around Japan and will be recognized by the consumer by coverage. Eating for Cheering Eating foods from disaster area of the earthquake will be help of its reconstruction. A lot of organizations and institutions are cooperating in this effort. Food Education Initiatives There are some events held to promote food education,a movement for increasing the interest in and understanding of food and letting consumers live in a healthy eating habits.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries experience
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries experience It is intended that it will spread the correct understanding of food,by deepen the gratitude to the nature. By giving consumers opportunities of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries experience,it is intender that people will know its importance and become advocates of Japanese foods. (examples) Cooking using local ingredients Farming experience Production area visit Local Production for Local Consumption The advantage of this activity is that it is possible to reduce transportation costs by the simplified distribution process. In addition, since it can be performed strict monitoring,the safety and reliability of agricultural products can improve. Where it becomes the center of local production for local consumption is a farm stand of the region. As the number of them increases,local specialty products are sold there.

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