

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

Project by prefectures <Chubu area>

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There is a project named "Niigata breakfast project". This is a approach that tourists get to eat delicious breakfast. Through this project, they appeal the charm of Niigata's meal. Sometimes "Echigojoetsu Uesugi hospitality Military commander corps" greet visitors. They entertain as tourists are satisfied and aim to increase repeaters from now on.


There is a project named "Immediately out! Wisdom out! Hospitality". This is a project that they take advantage of the tradition and execute by themselves. There are some things such as "Hospitality Shinshu gesture" and "hospitality declaration". They have residents do as much as possible and aim to be No.1 hospitality prefecture.


There is "Yamanashi Tourism Promotion Act of hospitality". All of the residents know about local and they act with the goal of hospitality. They hold courses toward high school students and college students and put a force on improving hospitality. In addition to this, they act a variety of approaches such as "Hospitality declaration". They aim to increase repeaters and put a force on hospitality.


They capture the tea is a specialty of the province as a hospitality of resources and act hospitality approaches. Also they hold training and put a force on improving hospitality. They act with the goals of visitor's new discovery.


People put a force on improving hospitality skills, make "Toyama tourism future School" and develop human resources actively. In addition, they make "Toyama hospitality guidebook" and hand out them as reference of hospitality. They will put a force making attractive tourist spots.


People make hospitality corps and appeal what they cherish the nature and develop tourism. Also they make guidelines and plan to improve hospitality. They make what tourists experience rxtraordinary life and relax their motto, and entertain tourists.


They hold lessons for residents in order to improve hospitality for increasing tourists because of completion of the Hokuriku Shinkansen. Also they act approach that plan to improve Tourism operator's skills. If unexpected events happen to tourists, they ask tourists to send a postcard as complaint and respond promptly. They put a force on hospitality that tourists are satisfied in order to increase repeaters.


There is a system of qualification test for people involved in the hospitality named "Fukui Prefecture tourism hospitality certification system". This is a approach that improve level of satisfaction of visitors, hold certification test and improve their hospitality skills. There are some appeal points such as experience type of tourist destination and foods, and according to the study of a university in Tokyo, Fukui is No.1 prefecture of level of happiness. However, awareness of Fukui is low. So they put the emphasis on that foreigners get to know.


People establish "Hospitality Aichi Prefectural conference" and plan to improve hospitality in this prefecture. In addition, they recruit behavior and thoughts for the hospitality as "hospitality declaration".

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