

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

Question at pro <Convenience store>

copyright © 2015 Heart of Hospitality All Rights Reserved.


1Is it an episode winning through up to an impression by omotenasi most?

Customer was pleased when I coresponded to a troubled customer with a smile


2What is the failure episode of the omotenasi?

I have spoken Japanese for a foreigner.

3What is it to be careful when I offer hospitality?

Interact with a smile


4What is it to be the most difficult when I offer omotenasi?

One's physical condition management .

I cannot offer omotenasi when I cannoto do one's things.

5What is the method to ascertain a timing to need hospitality?

I call out to you if I watch an embarassing face.


6What is the omotenasi that you think about?

Concern and consideration