

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

Question at pro <Japanese-style hotel>

copyright © 2015 Heart of Hospitality All Rights Reserved.

1Is it an episode winning through up to an impression by omotenasi most?

The guest came to stay on the day when a guest had a birthday and a wedding ceremony.
I did special omotenasi not to perform for a guest in the usual.
At first I put a flower in the room especially, I provided the cake called the celebration plate in dessert after dinner, I knew that guest likes wine, I served special wine.

I was glad that it made the guest very happy.


2What is the failure episode of the omotenasi?

Setting the table error at the dinner and kept a guest waiting, got a wrong to call.
Moreover I have made mistake of the room. For example garbage fell into the room,
I have kept it intact in spite of what was broken, objection was said.


3What is it to be careful when I offer hospitality?

I think that I read a guest`s thoughts.
So, I think that a look-ahead action is important.
For example, water disappeared at dinner.So,I act before being said.

4What is it to be the most difficult when I offer omotenasi?
It is always to mind a guest, moreover, it is very difficult not to overlook a change.


5,What is the method to ascertain a timing to need hospitality?

I think that a look-ahead action is important.
For example, water disappeared at dinner.So,I act before being said.

6What is the omotenasi that you think about?
I think the omotenasi that pleasure of life.
Because it is comfortable each other.
This action is very excellent.