
Food Waste(US)
Food waste(Japan)
Cans, bottles (US)
Cans Bottles(Japan)
Solid Waste(US)
Solid Waste(Japan)
Yard waste(US)
Yard waste(Japan)
About ATA

Chart Comparing Trash Disposal

by ATA

Types of garbage Japan (Tokyo) U.S. (Bay Area)
Food waste Discard at the day of turning in food waste; without mixing with other trash Throw it all together to the trash can or use the disposer
Paper Old newspapers etc. should be stacked up, tied with a string, and discard as recyclable waste Recycle. Stack them in the bins for paper waste and have it out of the day of collection
Cans, bottles, plastic PET bottles are collected at local supermarkets and convenience stores. Cans and bottles will be collected on the day of recyclable wastes Throw it in the bin for cans/bottles and put them out at the day of collection. Also can be collected at local recycle stations
Hazardous waste Wrap it with a plastic bag and discard it as unburnable waste. Make sure to place them outside the bins Fill liquid in a bottle and take them out on the day of collection; or absorb in paper towels and throw them away
Yard waste Not very common in the urban areas but if there are, throw it away as food wastes Throw away in the trash can for yard wastes and take the can out for the day of collection
Furniture Hand it over to recycle shops, which will reuse them. Sell them at flea markets or hand it over to recycle shops

All copyright reserved February 2000
by San Francisco Japanese Language Class, Inc.