
Food Waste(US)
Food waste(Japan)
Cans, bottles (US)
Cans Bottles(Japan)
Solid Waste(US)
Solid Waste(Japan)
Yard waste(US)
Yard waste(Japan)
About ATA


Solid Waste iUS)@

by Shuhei Yamashita

Steel is a unique material because it always contains recycled steel.  Each year there is millions of tons of steel cans and automobiles are recycled. 

In fact, the earliest steelmaking methods have always been an integral part of the steelmaking process.  All new steel products made from recycled steel can be recycled again at the end of their useful lives. 

Used steel cans are recycled into part of a guardrail.  Recycle is an integral part of the steelmaking process because the use of steel scrap lowers the total cost of producing new steel. 

Steel mills use one of two types of furnaces to make steel.  Recycling steel saves energy and natural resources. 

In a year, the steel industry saves the equivalent energy to power about 18 households.  When one ton of steel is recycled, 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone are conserved.

                Photo courtesy of Rodale Stock Images

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All copyright reserved February 2000
by San Francisco Japanese Language Class, Inc.