
Food Waste(US)
Food waste(Japan)
Cans, bottles (US)
Cans Bottles(Japan)
Solid Waste(US)
Solid Waste(Japan)
Yard waste(US)
Yard waste(Japan)
About ATA


Food wastes (Japan)


by Naoko Fujiki

Different from papers and cans, you can not recycle the food wastes.  Since Japan has small land, the landfill is limited to throw the trashes.  

To avoid the landfill to be full, Japan incinerates the trashes to turn them to ashes.  However, incinerating the trashes produces dioxin, which is very bad for the environment.  

To save the world, we should not incinerate the food wastes, but there is no space to dump the entire amount of  wastes into the landfill in Japan.  Today, some Japanese families are disposing the food wastes at their homes.  

New products, home food-waste disposing machines, are invented in Japan.  Disposing the food wastes at home has three main benefits: We will have less amount of trashes in the landfills, you do not have to worry about occurring the dioxin, and we can compost the food wastes for the cultivation. 

Go to Food waste (US)


All copyright reserved February 2000
by San Francisco Japanese Language Class, Inc.