In recent years, "KAROSHI as known as death from overwork" caused by excessive long working hours has become a social problem. Accordingly, "Act on Promotion of Measures to Prevent KAROSHI, etc." was enacted in November 2013 with the aim of promoting measures to prevent KAROSHI, etc., and realizing a society in which there is no KAROSHI, etc., and in which people can continue to work satisfactorily.

"KAROSHI" is defined in Article two of Act Promotion Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork. This refers to

Death due to cerebrovascular disease or heart disease that is brought on by an overload of work; death by suicide due to a mental disorder that is brought on by an intense psychological burden at work; or cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, or a mental disorder brought on by such work-related causes.


The KAROSHI line is a measure of overtime work hours (80 hours) that is set up to determine whether or not excessive work causes health problems and is recognized as a work-related accident. This overtime work hours indicates that a causal relationship with the working environment is likely to be observed if an employee works more than 80 hours on average per month during the two to six months prior to the onset of heart or brain disease.

In addition, overtime and holiday work exceeding 100 hours in one month before the onset of symptoms are considered to be strongly related with the onset of heart and brain diseases.

In general, the relation between the working environment and health problems tends to increase when employees work more than 45 hours per month on average for six months period.

In the case of mental disorders such as depression, if you work more than 160 hours one month before the onset of symptoms and more than 120 hours three weeks before the onset of symptoms, you are more likely to be recognized as an occupational accident. In addition, even if a worker does not meet the standards mentioned above, KAROSHI is highly associated with mental distress due to factors such as power harassment, relocation, and two or more weeks of continuous duty.

Factors leading to KAROSHI

First of all, people with a strong sense of responsibility tend to work until they exceed their mental and physical limits, thinking, "If I do not work, I will cause trouble to others." or "I have to work more and contribute to the company".

In addition, when depression occurs due to overwork, normal judgment is lost, and even if you feel uncomfortable with the current situation, you may not be able to choose to quit your job. As depression progresses, suicidal thoughts (suicidal ideation) are often a symptom.

Furthermore, if companies introduce systems such as the discretionary working system, which may become a hotbed for long working hours, they may justify long working hours and lead to overwork.

Heart disease

Heart disease refers to heart problems, especially in people who die from overwork(KAROSHI), which often result from myocardial infarction or ischemic heart disease. Symptoms that may presage include the following points.

Brain disease

Brain diseases are diseases that cause abnormalities in blood vessels in the brain and are often fatal in the worst case. It is commonly called "stroke" and is represented by subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. There are seven main symptoms that may be precursors.

Mental disorder

Mental disorder refers to mental illness caused by stress from overwork, and depression is the case. Some suicides caused by mental stress can be recognized as KAROSHI, but it is difficult to categorize it as "KAROSHI" because there is a possibility that causes other than overwork existed. Symptoms that may presage include the following points.

Other fatal accidents that seem to be unrelated to overwork, such as drowsy driving during work or commuting due to lack of sleep caused by overwork, or drowning while taking a bath, may also be recognized as KAROSHI.

Measures to prevent KAROSHI

First, it is essential to see a doctor immediately if you see any signs of death from overwork. You can see the signs of heart disease at cardiovascular medicine, brain disease at neurology, and mental disorder at psychosomatic medicine.

It is also important to improve the working environment and correct unnecessary long working hours. However, if improving the work environment can take time, it is recommended that you consider leaving the company as an option. If you meet the death line from overwork mentioned above, you can receive an injury and disease compensation pension as a worker's compensation insurance.


The death from overwork line refers to the hours of overtime work (80 hours) that are set up to determine whether or not health impairment caused by excessive work can be recognized as a work-related accident based on a causal relationship with the working environment.
If a worker meets the death line from overwork, he or she can receive an injury and disease compensation pension.
In order to prevent KAROSHI, it is important to improve the working environment and correct unnecessary long working hours.