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At Hospital

We interviewed Social Medial Corporation Keiseikai Nadogaya Hospital about Transfusion Therapy. Thank you very much for Nadogaya hospital.


Explanation and consent

The patient needs a blood transfusion sign to Consent Form for Blood Transfusion.(Informed consent)。

  • Need for blood transfusion therapy
  • Kind and amount of blood products use
  • Risks of transfusion therapy
  • Record preservation and storage of the blood samples
  • Other caveats

The patient is explained about as noted above.


Adaptability test

Blood type ABO test・Blood type RhD test

Irregularity antibodies test

Infectious disease test

Closs maching test with blood fanction

A check on the blood fanction with patients

Chance to check
When a deliver→When a prepartion→When a blood tranfusion
Check items
The chack that the doctor repeat Name, ID(must be carefull to same family and personal name), Blood type, The product name, Serial number, The expriation date, Closs maching test results and yes or no irradiation etc….
The check is practice near the patient before begen to blood transfusion.

Transfusion procedure ― blood transfusion set

The set can use soon, and the set throw away when use it once time.

Ex:Platelet blood transfusion set↓

Blood transfusion set in a bag

Transfusion procedure ― Speed

In the case of adult
While 10-15minutes since began speeds are about 1ml/min, and the after speeds are 5ml/min.
The speed is change depends on patient' condition.

Observe a patient

A nurse observe a patient.

Before blood transfusion
They measure body tempreture, blood pressure,and pulse rate.
While blood transfusion
A nurse observe a patient because of check to sudden changes in the petient' condition while 5minutes began to blood transfusion.
After 10, 15, 20minutes when began to blood transfrusion, the petients are mesured body tempreture, blood pressure,and pulse rate again.
When a nurse notice adverse drug reaction, the nurse abort transfusion and reports to doctor about the petient's symptoms.
And, administer medicine to a petient.
After blood transfusion
After transfusion has observed to petient because there is a possibility adverse drug.

Preservation of Records

Blood products for transfusion are speclassification biological so when use it, it must be preserve for 20 years .

Preservation of blood products

Blood products are preserve strictly in the cool box for exclusive use with thermograph and alarm system.

輸血管理室の入り口 赤血球製剤の保冷庫
当院では3~4℃で赤血球製剤が保管されています 保冷庫の下部で保冷温度の推移が記録されています
  • Red blood cells + Preservative solution・・・・2~6℃
  • Plasma・・・・-20℃
  • Platelect・・・・・20~26℃

Each transfused product is stored at the above tempretures.

There have been stored blood products in the refrigerator, typeA are 4packs, typeB are 2packs, typeO are 3packs, and typeAB are 1packs.

Q&A about blood transfussion

Is there a case of blood transfusion with a different blood type from the patient?(ex:Transfuse non-A preparations to patients with blood group A)

We haven't done that case in the last few years, but if there is an urgent need, we may do that treatment to the patient.
Compatible blood↓
Foreigners have irregular antibodies, so compatible blood depends on where they come from.

As a rule, blood products are given alone, but what if the patient's blood transfusion is inadequate?

Follow the doctor's instructions and add 2 or 3 packs of blood to the patient.

Do patients collect blood in advance for autotransfusion when a large amount of blood products are required for surgery, etc?

If surgery can cause heavy bleeding, or if there is no urgent need, draw blood from the patient with anemia in mind. Autologous blood transfusions preserve and burden is reduced on the patien.

How long can transfused products be stored?

Red blood cell products are stored for 3 weeks, plasma products for 6 months, and platelet products for 4 days.

How do you handle transfused products that have expired?

When the blood product has expired, it is requested to be disposed of by a designated company.

At Hospital

Under strict control, hospitals have established a safe and secure system by repeating checks to prevent blood transfusion mistakes. In addition, the awareness that "even a single drop of blood is not wasted" has permeated the finite and precious blood, and I felt that the feelings of blood donors were also inherited. I was able to confirm the destination of blood donation, and I realized again that blood donation is more important.

Until a Transfusion
Diseases and Transfusion