The reason why the activity started
Nagoya International Center

Aichi Prefecture has a large number of local governments that carry students who need Japanese learning guidance(It’s the most common throughout the country). And of course Nagoya city is not an exception, so because a lot of students need Japanese learning guidance, we started our activity.

Nihongo de Smile

In an elementary school near the Minami lounge where our association is active, seventy percent of the students are international students, and more than half of them are requiring Japanese guidance.

Kitakyushu International Association

There have been several Japanese language classes organized by the local volunteers in Kitakyushu, but there weren't any classes for the children. Therefore, the Kitakyushu International Association opened "Nihongo Hiroba" for the purpose of providing learning and adaptation support for the international children.

  • In the region where a lot of international children live (concentrated area), classes are likely to be founded
  • Japanese classes for children began to start in recent years

