If you happen to have a international kid in your same class
Nagoya International Center

For instance, by speaking to him/her, they could feel relieved and think “I’m not alone”. It is crucial to accept their existence by whatever their gesture or expression, even though you don’t understand their language.

Ipal Children's Japanese Classes

Since the cultures and customs differ by country, we think it is important to understand and accept the differences. Even if their Japanese ability is not enough, by using easy vocabularies and expressions called “Easy Japanese”, there are a lot of cases that they come to understand.

Tanpopo no Kai

Children acquire conversational skills very quickly, so if you could just play with them or be a conversation partner and get along with other Japanese friends, you will be able to communicate with them within a few months. Then, it will help them enhance their motivation to learn and overcome the problem.

  • It is essential to show the attitude although we can’t understand their language

