HomeWhat is Frail?Examples of symptoms.Current situation.PreventionWe went to  cover it.What we can do.QuizReference

What we can do.

Our thoughts.
  ・I found out that corona flair can be prevented with small daily things (diet and exercise). I thought it would be easy to continue because it wasn't difficult.
・I wanted to start with simple things that I can do, such as talking to the elderly people around me about Corona Frail and proactively contacting them.
  ・The reason for Corona Frail is that we no longer live a healthy life, so I thought that if we could improve that, we would not have Corona Frail.
・I wanted to greet the elderly when I met them and help those in need.
  ・We thought it would be great if we could pass on what we learned to help prevent coronary heart disease and extend healthy life expectancy.
・I would like to help the elderly people around me to participate in society by telling them how to use IT technology in an easy-to-understand way.

Took classes using ZOOM and lessons using Duo during the school holidays → Realized that we can see each other and hear each other's voices and connect even when we are far away from each other
  ・I were happy if what we found out would be useful in preventing Corona Frail in the elderly.
・Greet elderly people cheerfully when you meet them.
 From "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations"
 In order to prevent corona flair, I thought it was important to take good corona precautions and lead a healthy lifestyle.
 The cause of flail is a decrease in muscle quality and strength due to lack of exercise. So, we need to make sure that the quality of our muscles and muscle strength do not decline through our daily diet and exercise. I also think it is important not only for individuals to be aware of this, but also for people around us to be aware of simple things like greeting someone when we see them or contacting them regularly.  
 Living a healthy lifestyle not only prevents frailty, but also boosts the immune system, which can help prevent coronas.
 In the course of creating this page, we have learned that the coronavirus is not only a deadly disease, but also has a negative impact on the mind.

 According to the White Paper on the Elderly Society (overall version) for fiscal year 2009, the aging rate as of October 1, 2009 was 28.8%, and it is expected to reach 31.2% in 10 years' time (2030), when we will be working and supporting society.The ratio of working-age people (15-64 years old) to those 65 years old and over was 2.1 in 2000 and 1.9 in 2030.
Created using images from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations.
 On the other hand, healthy life expectancy is increasing year by year, and the increase is significant compared to the average life expectancy.
 For those of us who will be supporting society in the future, the super-aging society and nursing care issues are no stranger to us.
 Now that the Corona disaster continues and even we teenagers are losing strength and muscle power, I wanted to find out what can be done to prevent the elderly from needing nursing care and what can be done to extend their healthy life span.
 In the course of my research, I realized that preventing coronary frailty is the key to preventing people from needing nursing care and extending their healthy life span.
 I hope that many people will take a look at this website,
so that we can all prevent corona flair, extend our healthy life expectancy, and get through the super-aging society with a smile.

Healthy life expectancy: The period of time during which there are no problems in daily life.
From "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations"