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Frail Prevention

 Decreased participation in social activities may be the first cause of frail. It is therefore important to make lifestyle changes to prevent people from becoming too sedentary.
 There are three main ways to prevent this. These are meals,exercise, and social participation.

 When you are active, please take care to avoid contracting heat stroke, new coronavirus infections, and other infectious diseases. Try to keep a regular routine. 
 To combat heat stroke, you should

・Stay hydrated.

・Avoid going out on hot days.

・Make use of the light-weight conditioning.

・Wear short sleeves and other airy clothing.

 If you are wearing a mask, it is difficult to notice your thirst and it is easy to neglect hydration, so it is important to be aware of this.
 To prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections, it is important to

・Wash hands freqvently.
 After coming home, before and after cooking, before meals, etc.

・Remember congh etiquette.
 Hold your mouth and nose with a mask, tissue, handkerchief, sleeve, or the inside of your elbow to reduce droplets when you cough or sneeze.

Avoid large crowds enclosed spaces (poorly ventilated spaces), crowded places (places where many people are crowded together), and close situations (conversation and utterance without mask by the distance which reaches when a hand is increased each other)

The following are some examples.
 Wake up at the same time every day, eat three proper meals, exercise, and go to bed at the same time. Try not to break your daily roatine. Also, decide what makes you happy and do it every day.
 If you have a chronic illness, it is also important not to do anything that might aggravate it.

   Created using images from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations"  Original