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~social participation~

 In old age, people may lose their energy and vitality due to changes in social status or the loss of a family member or friend.
 A decrease in the frequency of participation in social activities may be the first cause of falling into Frail. Therefore, it is important to think about your lifestyle so that you do not become a recluse.The more socially connected you are, the longer you can stay healthy and the less likely you are to develop dementia.
Connecting with People

 Cognitive functioning may decline significantly as people become less connected to others. Connecting with others has the effect of reducing anxiety and stress. Talking with others also involves moving your mouth and using the muscles around your mouth.
 It's important to keep in touch and maintain connections with people close to you, even though the Corona disaster makes it less likely that you'll see them in person. Stay in touch with friends and family via phone or remote, talk to them and keep your mouth moving. Use letters, emails, and social networking sites to stay connected.
 Meeting with friends and acquaintances provides mental stimulation, and the increased opportunity for physical activity helps to revitalize the body and mind.
from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations".

Created using images from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations".
 Examples of social participation

・Have dinner with friends and family.
 When you eat with people you are close to, you can communicate and enjoy eating together. Besides, it increases your appetite, so you can eat a variety of foods and avoid low nutrition.


 It is said that participating in activities with a clear purpose and less hierarchical relationships among participants is more effective for health and frailty prevention. Also, too much frequency or activity time may have the opposite effect.


 An initiative for correspondence between the elderly and children was launched in May 2020.
 This is an effort to prevent the deterioration of cognitive functions. Writing letters and expressing emotions in simple words that are easy for children to understand stimulates the brain and helps maintain cognitive function.
 As of the end of 2020, seven groups of five elderly people and seven children are participating in the program. As of the end of 2020, seven groups of five elderly people and seven children are participating in the program. At the most, there are about three round trips per month.

Created by members
 Find the activities that suit you best, and make sure you continue to enjoy participating in them. Also, think about who you can turn to when you have a problem.