HomeWhat is Frail?Examples of symptoms.Current situation.PreventionWe went to  cover it.What we can do.QuizReference


 The body is made up of fat, muscle, bone and water.As we age, muscle is more likely to be replaced by fat, which can lead to a loss of strength and stamina. As we age, our muscle strength and stamina deteriorate and we become less able to get out and about, affecting our ability to interact with others.
 Therefore, in order to avoid Frail, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of physical fitness.
To maintain physical fitness.

As a result of immobility, physical and mental functions deteriorate and we become immobile. By not moving, you lose 20% of your muscle strength in the first week, 40% in the second week, 60% in the third week, and so on.  Age-related loss of strength can be reversed with moderate exercise. It is necessary to stimulate your body with activities that are slightly more strenuous than your daily activities.

 You don't have to do a lot of serious exercise all of a sudden. It can be as simple as sitting less, taking a long walk, doing some housework, or doing a bit of strength training. It's important to keep the exercise fun and on a regular basis.
 Preventing muscle weakness can reduce the likelihood of becoming bedridden due to falls or fractures.

 Walking improves blood circulation and activates the autoimmune system. It is also good for your mood. In addition, vitamin D, which helps build muscles and bones, is produced by exposure to sunlight. Therefore, a light daily walk outdoors for 30 minutes to an hour on a daily basis is beneficial.

 Aclditionally, indoor exercises such as squats, standing on one leg, foot stamping, and radio calisthenics can also help. 
Created using images from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations"

Many local authorities have made videos available on the internet as an exercise you can do at home.
Standard of fitness to maintain.

・Number of steps
 Aged 65-74...at least7,000 steps per day
 Over 75 years old...at least 5000 steps per day

・Grip strength
 Ages 65-74... (Male) 28kg and over (Female) 18kg and over
 Over 75 years old... (Male) Over 24kg (Female) Over 15kg

・Walking speed
 65~74 years old... (Male) 1.2㎧ or more (Female) 1.1㎧ or more
 Over 75 years old... (Male)1.0㎧ or more (Female) 0.9㎧
or more  
 from "Irasutoya, a collection of cute free illustrations".

 In September 2020, Nishiwaki City in Hyogo Prefecture launched the "Healthy Exercise Class", a project of the Healthy City Promotion Office.
 The healthy Exercise Class will measure your body composition, including muscle mass, to create and implement an exercise programme tailored to your needs. Once a week, you will do strength training such as squats, push-ups, and aerobic exercise, and they will lend you an activity meter in the classroom to record the number of steps you take each day. The class will measure your fitness once a month and create your next programmebased on your results.
 The class has distributed 20,000 leaflets through local authorities to encourage elderly people who are too lazy to go out to attend the classes, and we have encouraged local clinics to encourage their own doctors to attend.
 In 2020, the number of steps taken per day increased by 1,300 in the first six months of the programme, showing an average rejuvenation effect of nine years.
 The Healthy Exercise class takes all possible measures to prevent infections, such as limiting the number of participants to about 10 per room, keeping a good distance between them, wearing masks during exercise, and frequently disinfecting hands and equipment.
 When exercising outdoors, choose a setting whek there are few people around and keep a sufficient distance from others.