HomeWhat is Frail?Examples of symptoms.Current situation.PreventionWe went to  cover it.What we can do.QuizReference

How did you feel when your activities were canceled or closed due to the Corona disaster? In particular, please tell us about physical changes (such as physical strength and muscle power), mental changes (such as loss of enjoyment), and social changes (such as opportunities to go out and interact with people).

Then we were able to hear from a variety of people.

Physical changes (strength, muscle power, etc.)

・When I stay at home, I don't get enough exercise.

<To prevent frail.>
・Walk from 5:00 a.m.
・Walk 8,000 to 9,000 steps
・Climbed up to the Tamaru Castle Ruins from the Tamaru Nursery → visited the Shiroyama Inari Shrine → returned from the Otemon Gate.
・I sang "Old Castle" (by Michiya Mitsuhashi) at the castle tower.
・I did radio exercises at home and did the exercises described in the handout I got from the town office.

Mental changes (such as loss of enjoyment)

・There was no more Kanau or gymnastics.
・I was home alone. → My mind was shut down.
・No more events.
・I feel depressed
・It was unavailable, but I lonely it.

Social changes (opportunities to go out and interact with people, etc.)

・My opportunities to go out are very limited.
・ The only time I meet people is with my neighbors when I go shopping
・ The only time I meet people is with my neighbors when I go s

<What did you do when you were at home?>
・Making paper boxes. (20-30 at a time)
・kitchen garden

<How did it go when it was reopened?>
・I was very happy.
・I was looking forward to it.
・It was fun talking with everyone.
・I was stimulated by coming to the cooperative.

This is what I was taught.


From an image in「かわいいフリーイラスト集 イラストや」
