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This site was created with the goal of making delicious sweets that are easy to buy and reduce food loss.

 On this site, sweets using dumpling skins are calling for food loss reduction.
The reason why it became a food loss problem in the first place is that the SDGs in the later years have been attracting attention, so the 2nd (zero hunger) and 12th (responsibility to produce and consume) food loss problems have become. The reason for this is that if you guess the ingredients that will be left over to reduce food loss, you will find that there is a high probability that they will be left over. Furthermore, since there are many gyoza skins, it has become easy to use up and make.
 The reason why I chose sweets is because I think there will be leftover skins after making the dumplings, so I made them sweet so that I could eat them afterwards.
Please use this site as a reference when making your own!

word from the leader

 Hello everyone, I'm HARUKU, the leader of this team. Thank you for opening this site.This site is a site that thought about food loss that is increasing in modern times.
 Let's take a look together! !
 Oh... it's a postscript, a postscript, a postscript

●Know! ? Food loss information! !

 Food loss refers to the discarding of food that would normally be eaten. In Japan, the amount of food loss is "5.22 million tons per year". The food loss per person in Japan is about 113g per day, equivalent to about 41kg per year.
  Figure 1 shows changes in food loss from 2012 to 2020. As you can see from this, the total amount of food loss in Japan in 2020 is "approximately 5.22 million tons", with a breakdown of approximately 2.47 million tons of household food loss and approximately 2.75 million tons of business food loss. And in 2020, both are the lowest values since 2012 when the estimation started. A reduction target of 2.73 million tons of business-related food loss by 2030 has been established.

 Figure 2 shows the ratio of leftover meals by main cooked item in cafeterias and restaurants. Looking at Figure 2, the percentage of leftovers was highest for noodles-based dishes at 37.2%, followed by seafood-based dishes at 24.6%, and vegetables-based dishes at 21.6%.

 As shown in Figure 3, vegetables account for about half of food loss at home. This is followed by fruits at 18% and cooked/processed foods at 10%.

 I thought that the reason why there are many vegetables in food loss is because there are many likes and dislikes.
 From now on, please take a look at the food loss reduction activities that we actually challenged.

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This site participates in the 25th Web Contest.