
~Know・Drink・Think about Tea~

Tea Nutrition

Tea Ingredients

Green tea contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and β-carotene, which provide excellent benefits for cancer and other lifestyle-related diseases.
When it comes to cancer prevention, catechins play a leading role.
Apart from that, the amount of contained in green tea is about 115 mg per.

About Catechins

To begin with, catechins are a type of tannin and belong to the polyphenol family when expanded in scope.
There are four types of catechins in green tea: epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate, which account for 10-18% of its composition. Catechins are used as antioxidants. they are much stronger than food additives and have dozens of times the antioxidant power of vitamin E.


It is a substance whose aqueous solution has strong astringent and skin-tanning properties.
Astringency refers to the ability of a compound to bind to proteins in the skin and mucous membranes of an organism, forming a film and coagulating.

Tea Benefits

cancer prevention

Cancer is thought to be more influenced by the environment than by heredity.
It is the living environment of stress, smoking, ultraviolet rays, electromagnetic radiation and the diet we do not lack that largely determines the incidence of cancer.There are measures such as eliminating stress and not overeating. In addition, a proactive review of one's diet is required.

lifestyle disease

Lifestyle-related diseases are diseases of the blood vessels that are on the increase due to the westernization of food, including myocardial infarction and diabetes. Cholesterol is used as a material for hormones, which became a component of cell membranes, and the excess is sent to the liver for processing. However, if too much cholesterol-rich food is consumed, the unprocessed cholesterol remains in the blood.Excess active oxygen in the body due to stress, smoking, etc., causes abnormalities in blood vessel walls that obstruct blood flow, resulting in myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus.


Tea is eco-friendly. Tea husks can be used as a desiccant instead of being thrown away.
For example, you can put dried tea husks in a frying pan or in a tea packet and put it in a closet or clogs to remove unpleasant odors. Alternatively, the tea husks can be made into a paste and used for cooking.So the tea husks are never thrown away.
It is truly an eco-friendly drink.

Component Effect
catechin Cancer control and other benefits.
caffeine Faster sodium elimination, etc.
γ-aminnobutyricacid Reduce oxidation by reactive oxygen species, etc.
potassium (K) It has the effect of regulating the amount of salt in the body.
magnesium (Mg) It has the effect of regulating muscle and nerve function.
fluorine (F) Prevents tooth decay, etc.
zinc (Zn) Has the effect of preventing reproductive impairment of cells with adverse effects
calcium (Ca) Helps build teeth and bones and regulates the function of the heart, brain, and hormones
flavonoid Prevents bad breath, etc.
cyanine Aidsin relaxation, etc.
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Reduces blood pressure
vitaminB1 Helps regulate functions, such as recovery from fatigue
vitamin B2 Effective in reducing the harmful effects of lipid peroxide
niacin Effective in preventing skin diseases.
folic acid It has the effect of preventing anemia.
polysaccharide Hypoglycemic effect* more extracted by slow brewing in cold water
vitamin E Hypoglycemic effect* more is extracted by slow brewing in cold water
β-carotene Antioxidant and other enhancing effects.
chlorophyll Normalizes of blood cholesterol and other benefits.
dietary fiber Aids in emission Toxic substances