・We thought it was important to create this website to consider what problems
exist and how they need to be solved from the viewpoints of those who are
engaged in logistics and those who use it, like us.
・I am very impressed to know that there are various logistics that support
our daily life.
・I was surprised to know that there are various logistics services that support our daily life.
・I knew that there are delivery and transportation services, but I was
surprised to learn that there are other services as well.
・I realized that there are various issues in the logistics that we are familiar with, and that there are things we can do to help.
・Be at home on the day the goods are scheduled to be delivered.
・Use the locker at the place where you receive the goods.
・To specify the time to pick up the goods.
・QR codes and LINE are used to make it easy to request delivery dates and
times. |