living with natural disasters

Measures against volcanic eruptions

Countermeasures against volcanoes are mainly divided into two types: hard measures such as erosion control dams, and soft measures.

Hardware measures

This is a measure to minimize damage by installing various volcanic facilities in preparation for volcanic mudflows caused by eruptions and debris flows caused by rainfall.
Energy reducers to suppress the flow of lava, direction dams to guide mudflows to safe areas, slit-type dams to prevent large rocks from flowing down. There are sand basins to deposit mudflows, etc., and channel constructions to allow runoff to flow down safely.

Software measures

Based on simulations of landslides caused by volcanic eruptions, these measures include the creation of volcanic erosion control hazard maps, real-time hazard maps, and the development of information transmission using surveillance cameras and sensors.

©Source: SWIFT “Explanation of the names and roles of erosion control dam structures!”

©Source: Asahi Shimbun “Erosion control dam completed, people will not return”

Stockpiling food, drinks, daily necessities, etc.

Stockpile drinking water and food storage on a regular basis to be prepared in the event of an infrastructure collapse.
Also, be sure to check if you already have stockpiled.

How to confirm the safety of your family

Victim message dial

If you call 171 without an area code, you can record a message that can be played back by family members who know your phone number.

Disaster message board

Family members who know your phone number can view the information by registering text information using the Internet from a smartphone or other device.

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