living with natural disasters

What we can learn from past eruptions

Eruption date Volcano name remarks
August 29, 1741 Oshima Oshima 1,467 victims of debris avalanches and tsunamis
November 8, 1779 Sakurajima Over 150 victims of eruption and tsunami
August 5, 1783 Mt. Asama 1,151 victims of pyroclastic flows, debris flows, etc.
May 21, 1792 Mt. Asama 15,000 victims of earthquake and debris avalanche
Early August 1902 Izu Torishima All islanders died (125 people)
May 24, 1926 Tokachidake 144 victims of snow melting volcanic lahar
June 3, 1991 Mount Unzen 43 victims of pyroclastic flow
September 27, 2014 Mt. Ontake 63 people died due to volcanic blocks etc.

63 people died due to volcanic blocks etc.

Actions to take during an eruption

There are three actions you should take when an eruption occurs.

1. Evacuate from near the crater.

If an eruption occurs while climbing, please stay as far away from the volcano as possible for your own safety.
At that time, avoid depressions and valleys and move away.


Pyroclastic flows and lahars have extremely high temperatures. Also, as they may come at you at speeds of over 60km/h, There's no way you can run away if you get caught. Therefore, in the event of an eruption, please keep your distance from the vicinity of the volcano.

2. Prevent volcanic ash from getting into your eyes or throat.

Volcanic ash is not just ash, but is made up of glass and mineral crystals that have been shattered by the eruption.

However, volcanic ash is fine, less than 2 mm in diameter, and is easily accessible to the eyes and respiratory organs. Although not very harmful, large amounts of volcanic ash can adversely affect the air ventilation system, eyes, and skin.

3. Evacuate to the shade of a building or rock

Rocks may be blown away by the eruption.he rocks are large and can be over 20 to 30 cm, so the danger to life is extremely high.

If rocks come flying at you, it is best to protect yourself by hiding behind a sturdy building or rock. If you have the time, you can further ensure safety by using a large item as a shield to protect yourself.

Be careful of traffic accidents while riding

After an eruption, there is a high possibility that you will be affected by the following volcanic ash:

Poor visibility
I can't see the center line or road signs.
Easier to slip

For these reasons, driving during or after ash fall is extremely dangerous.

Avoid driving in volcanic ash unless you have a special reason, such as being far from an evacuation site or having a family member who is physically unable to walk.

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