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The Role of Blood Donation

Why do you need to donate blood?

Blood has many functions that are essential for sustaining human life, such as transporting nutrients and oxygen, fighting pathogens, and stopping bleeding.

Blood transfusions are an important treatment, although it is not possible to make artificial blood that is fully functional. Modern medical care will not be possible unless we continue to secure the blood necessary for blood transfusion.

What you need is your blood donation.

Current status of blood donation

Now, the number of blood donors is declining.

In particular, the number of young people in their teens to 30s is decreasing significantly.

Considering the declining birthrate and aging population in the future, to ensure that blood is delivered to medical institutions, understanding of blood donation by a wide range of age groups, including young people who will support future blood donation, and cooperation for blood donation multiple times a year is indispensable.

The role of blood donation
  • It is not possible to produce fully functional blood artificially.
  • Young people should donate their blood more.

From the above, many people need to understand and cooperate with blood donation.

About Blood
Japanese Blood Donation System