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In the UK

about donation system In England we have two type of blood donation

The UK's whole blood donation

whole blood donation

blood donation amont at once 470ml
age limit 16yearold~
weight 50㎏
hemoglobin man:13.5g/dL(1.055) woman:12.5g/dL(1.053)
interval man:
per year three
UK's whole blood donation

The UK's blood component donation

now we`re showing about blood component donation ※platelet RED、plasma BLUE

blood donation amont at once Within 15% of circulating blood volume (excluding anticoagulants) Within 15% of circulating blood volume (excluding anticoagulants)
agelimit 18-65 years old (up to 60 years old for the first time) Informed consent is required for component blood sampling
weight 50 kg or more (However, 50 to 60 kg does not exceed 20% of the circulating blood volume50㎏以上
Plasma proteins and platelets Plasma protein 6.0 g / dL (conducted once a year or more) Platelet count 150,000 / μL or more
interval Usually 2 weeks at least 2 days, no more than twice a week
per year Up to 24 times a year
england whole blood donation Plasma yield: 15 L per year up to 2.4 L per month
In the Member States of EU
In France