Digital versatile disk driveDVD Drive

Removing the top cover

First of all at the simple, I will remove it from the screw is visible. There is no screw on the back side. Contents will appear and easily remove the screws on the surface.

Back Front Removing the cover

Removing the cover and open the tray

I open the tray. With the need to push (the blue button at the first picture) OPEN button electric If it contains, but it is not free when you press in this state, of course. So to force eject and insert the wire into a small hole on the left side of the OPEN button.
Screw will be on the front side of the tray is pulled out, but this is'd better of later.
I take some, because there is a screw on the back side. Panel of the front and back was out.

Confirmation of the eject switch Open the tray Front side
Back side Removing the front panel Removing the back panel

Removing tray

I will separate the case and tray. Wiring has been connected by a small connector. To exit the wiring there is a lock on both sides of the connector, and open to the outside.
Parts were mounted to allow the slide case and tray. Photos only result I do not know honestly, do you got how(^^;

Wiring and foundation Pulled out of the connector I do not know, but it was out

Eject switch

The switch to open the tray, a mechanical switch and an electrical switch is turned one. And you'll see a person who was seen than described.

The entire Expansion Component was decomposed


Motor is equipped with two on DVD. Disk (both sides and the two-layer method ignores) will be able to read all the data in the two motors so two-dimensional.

Motor disk rotation Head drive followed Two motor that was removed
Head drive which is an enlarged


DVD reads the data recorded by by applying a laser beam, and receives the light came back. I call pick up this part.
In this case, remove the pickup unit by removing the parts of the drive system. Remove the screw as much as possible, we will continue to fall apart.

Separation from the tray Check the screws on the cover Cover separation
The separation of the fine parts

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