After the cram school, it is difficult to go to bed early. Yeah. I have experienced that.
It looks that you have experienced evey case.
But it cannot be helped, can it?
Then how do you spend the time after the cram school?
You don't have the answer.
Did you sleep so far?
Well...He doesn't do anything after the cram school for about an hour and then take a bath, and start making the video games.
Well, you never know! My cram school is so hard.
So I need the time to relax and refresh myself.
I know what you mean. But if you stay up late with any reason, you cannot get up comfortably next morning.
Then you won't feel good next day. It doesn't make you refresh.
Ok. You need the free time. But you junst spend one hour without doing anything?
Ypu shouldn't waste time especially after the cram school.
You shoul start making games just after coming back from the cram school. Because if you use PC right before going to bed, it may disturb your sleep.
We shoul use the night time efficiently.