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Staying up late - connection with smartphone and sleep -

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When you see the data about why we cannot sleep, we can know that so many students answerd because they stayed up late.
You can know it from the page of "The reality of our life"also.
Staying up late is one of our biggest problems.


What do you think about why we stay up late?


Here is the data of the reasons why we stay up late. 夜更かしの原因全国データ


All answers are something you have to watch screen.


Yes. Especially 70% of students who answered using Internet and video games are enjoying them with がsmartphone.


That much? I expected that results. But Smartphone and lack of sleepare really connected as we described on the page of "The perfect sleep".


Yes. Rately 43%-almost half-of junior high-school and high-school students who have smartphones answered they devoted every spare moment to use smartphones.


Relly? Wow. It is something we have to worry about. I didn't know that. Because I don't have a smartphone.


Yes. Besides, 90% of junior high-school and high-school students who own smartphones answered the hours to study and sleeping hours definitely decreased after owning smartphones.
It is clear that there is a great connection between smartphone and lack of sleep.


Yes. We already explained that on the page of"Smartphone and lack of sleep". But does it mean that they use smartphone just before going to bed?


That's right. Actually 70% of junior high-school and high-school students who own smartphones answered that they used smartphone in the bed just before going to bed. These days it is called even Smartphone in bed-Nedoko Sumaho-.


Smartphone in bed? Do they play the Internet or video games on smartphone in bed?


Yes. That's right. The average time to use smartphone in bed is 107.4 minutes among junior high-school and high-school students. It is aboutone and half hour or two hours.


Two hours? Before sleeping? That's too much.


Well, I am playing gamesn on smartphone in bed actually. Maybe I am addicted a little bit.


Really? That's so bad.


But I am using smartphone in bed to tell the truth. I am not playing games. I am talking with my friends on social media.
That makes me stay up late.




Yes. I like to use social media too. 70% of students who answered they used smartphone in bed did social media.




So you are one of them.


But if you use smartphone in bed, you will become a night person.


I know.


Yes. Not only smartphones but also TV or computer screen give us bad effect especially before going to bed.
If your nerve of sight gets the stimulus of light waves before going to bed, it prevents your brain from secreting melatonin.
So your sleeping quality goes down.
Melatonin is sleeping hormone which is secreted from pineal apparatus in your brain.
It has the direct relation with your life rhythm.

I've heard this case. The New York Study Center measured the amount of melatonin who used tablets and video games just one hour before going to bed.
It was as little as the amount you got when you got the sunlight for an hour.
A lot of living things not only human beings control their life rhythm by melatonin.
Once you cannot get appropriate melatonin, you get to become insomnia and hurt your health.
I have heard that you would be liable to get ademonia if you use smartphont at night too much.


Wow. There are so many problems. Why do you want to use smartphone in bed then?


I don't know why. I just want to. To play games on smartphone is so easy to play with other users on the Internet.
I spent some money on it.


Isn't it social game? It is like social media, isn't it?


Yeah. You are right. It is fun to talk with unknown people. Maybe the reason of using smartphone in bed is social media.


Yes. And it is too easy. How about you?


I spend hours to use smartphone in bed. I go to bed to sleep, but I just want to do something small before sleeping. Then I start using smartphone and cannot stop it.
It is fun to talk with my friends with social media or search something I want to know on smartphone.
It is fun to lie down on the bed and surf on smartphone.

Time passes all too soon. When I find out it is time to sleep, I cannot sleep so easily.
After using smartphone, my brain works so well. So I start again.
In that way, time passes.


It is such a bad cycle.


I understand. The back light displayof smartphone wakes your brain up.
Especially when you enjoy social media or social game, you can get response from unknown people. When you get response, your brain feels you get reward.
By getting this reward, nucleus accumbens neurons in your brain gets excited and you feel you want more reward. You may get to be addicted.
The connection with smartphone and lack of sleep grows into a serious problem. There is a special clinic for solving this problem. And 50% of patients are junior high-school and high-school students.
You need hours to relax your brain after getting excited.
So even if you want to sleep, you cannot sleep. Then you want to do something fun and start using smartphone.
It is such a bad cycle.


But it is not so easy. When I talk to my friends on social media, I don't know the timing to stop talking.
If I ignore them, maybe I will be disliked by them, I think so. That is another reason I cannot stop using smartphone.


I see. Maybe you should tell them you can talk until some time.
If it is difficult for you to say it on social media, you should tell them that when you see them.


Well, I try to do that. I can tell them on social media.
I got the solution!


Wait! That is the solution to stop using social media. We have discussed the solution of using smartphon in bed.


I remember.


Every body uses smartphone. So what we should do is to think about how to use it smartly and how not to use it in bed.


Basically you use it because you don't feel like sleeping, don't you? If you can sleep right after going to bed, maybe your life will be different.


Yes. That's right.


If you have it around you, it is difficult not to use it. So put it in your school bag when you go to bed.


Turn it off. These days ther are some smartphones which work in emergency even if it is turned off.


I see.


Yes. This is the solution.


  • If you are addicted to social media, tell your friends the time when you can answer.

Look at the result after using this solution

<Interview to the expert