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Development of SNS etc.

・Work of art or somthing valuable starts to spread on the Internet.

→The works could be seen only in a museum, a collection of paintings or a photo book before, but it became easier to see them on the Internet.

・Everyone can see images from all over the world.

→Everyone can even find the material of the plagiarism from a far country. Conversely, when being plagiarized, it's difficult to notice.

Fading a sense of sin

A sense of sin become lighter when you steal and edit someone's work on the screen than when you do the same for real thing.

Let's take a familiar example, scribble on photos.
You can scribble something on people's faces on digital devices lighthertedly while you can't on real photos.

Development of picture processing

Picture processing became easier by using PC software.

→It's possible to put part of an original element of a picture in and change only the small part.
  Rotating and flipping are also easily done by PC software.


Q.Does it infringe the copyright to photograph the page of the book in a bookstore?




Q. Which is it that there is not in next?

A. Taking the picture of the art museum.

An owner displays artworks without the permission of the author.

An owner admits the replication of artworks.

Introduction for SNS




SNS in which you can upload videos taken and edited by you and communicate with other users through them.
Openness Anonymity Popularity