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A cover photo of the monthly astronomical magazine, "Hoshi Navi", which is published and sold by AstroArts Inc. Misappropriated an image from a photo on the Internet.

  ❇「Hosi Niavi

  …Monthly magazine published by AsrtoArts Inc.
    It goes on sale on 5th of every month and its price is around \820~1020.
    There is several articles of readers' contributions. In the article titled 「Hoshi Navi Gallery」, they ask for submissions such as pictures and images of astral bodies for it. Readers whose submissions are posted get paid.

The story of iamge misappropriating

 It was Miyagi Takashi (tentative name) living in Okinawa who misappropriated the image and contributed it to the magazine. The suspicion of one image misappropriation revealed many other cases.

2006 Nov.

Mr. Miyagi started cheating by unauthorized reproduction and processing from the works of others, 「Transit of Mercury」
(found out after the survey)


Mr. Miyagi repeatedly misappropriated and contributed his works to newspapers and magazines.

2009 Sep.

Hosi Navi」(2009 Oct. ver.)'s cover photo was pointed out as plagiarism.


Hosi Navi」(2008 Jun. ver.)'s cover photo was also pointed out as plagiarism.

Miloslav Druckmüller's photos shared on the Internet were copied and processed without permission by Mr. Miyagi and they became used as cover photos.

Mr. Miyagi submitted an apology.

AstroArts Inc. pursued an investigation and foud out twelve cases plagiarism.
Mr.Miyagi was also foud out to have faked his name, age and career.

2010 Jul.

AstroArts Inc. prepared for leagal actions.
Adjudgement that Mr.Miyagi should pay \1,789,372 to the company for damages was given.

Cover photo of 2008 Jun. ver.

Let's compare the plagiarism and original photo.

◆「Hosi Navi (2008 Jun. ver.)
Edited some parts of this photo for personal information protection.

【Information on the magazine】
Tittle Diamond ring
Date 2006.03.29
Time 10:13:53(UT)
Place Libya
Taken by Miyagi Takashi

◆Original photo by Miloslav Druckmüller
【Details of the photo】
Tittle Diamond ring after the end of total eclipse
Date 2006.03.29
Time 2 nd contact:11:02:23(UT)
3 rd contact:11:05:29(UT)
Place Near Göreme, Cappadocia, Turkey
Taken by Miloslav Druckmüller

⇒Though the misappropriated image was rotated and there is a little color difference between the plagiarized version and the original, we can't find any differences in coronal streamer.

More about Miloslav Druckmüller!


Q.Does a copyright subsist in the picture which a kindergartener and a primary schoolchild drew?

A. Yes



Q.Is it infringed the copyright if I pick up the picture which oneself of the character who is popular among one's tweet drew?



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