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Vocaburaly notebook

Please make good use of the vocabulary notes.

〜The act of damaging somebody's reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them〜

The act of damaging somebody's reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them. The defamer is not concerned with the truth. It is the crime of insulting others.

The crime of defamation is heigtened when an unspecified large number of people can see it. This includes not only news storys and speeches but also writing on this Web.

The crime of defamation is provided for in the criminal law.

1. A person who defames another by alleging facts in public shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false , be punished by imprisonment with or without work for not more than 3years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.

2.A person who defames a dead person shall not be punished unless such defamation is based on a falsehood.


Nuisance provention ordinance ~Ordinance provided that the actions of a specific individual or group is trouble~

The rule is ordained in all prefectures, but it differs in its formal name and content and penal regulations in every prefecture. In kanagawa, the violence act,the dirty act,the unfair request of money and articles,the unreasonable act of touting.

Minor Offences Act
〜The law provides for petty criminal acts and how to punish them〜

The criminal is punished with petty fines .

The crimes are outlined in 33 acts. The extent of these acts means its possible to violate each act of the law. 

SNS (social networking service)
~socialmedia websites with the purpose of connecting people with other people~

SNS is an abbreviation for social networking service.

Social media is a medium connecting information providers and addressees in a cobweb of users. It includes blogs and shared album services and movies.

~Web service where the user is able to pin photos they have taken and favorite pictures on a screan called a clipboard~

Users can save and control according to the theme, pictures found on the web. Also we can move the orginal homepape by pinning the photos.

Also,The photos another user is pinnning are able to be pinned on anothers board.

Its believed that Mr.sano used this service.

The Crimes for Insults
〜Punishment when you insults another in public, even if it does not allege facts〜

Penal Code Article 231 A person who insults another in public, even if it does not allege facts, shall be punished by misdemeanor imprisonment without work or a petty fine.

As the law says, the crime will be commited without alleging facts if you insult or despise someone in public.

The punishment for this crime is the lightest in the Penal Code.