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Freedom of expressioNET>Home>Camera Voyeurism>measure


Traditional Voyuers

 ・Don't use smartphones or earphones at night, not try to wear a mini skirt.

・Legal defences such as the Prevention of Public Nuisances act are in existance for our protection.

New Voyuers

・Educate people about Media Literacy.

→hold classroom lessons and increase public awareness on TV.

 ・Straighten laws about rights of privacy

→Keep up to date on pictures of your face, take action if your image is submitted without your permission, chenk submissions strictly and so on

・Monitoring of internet issues.

→delete and report submissions that cause offence.

*Due to the times, our defence methods are different. So we must think aboout each measure and if its good for the freedom of the net before we are asked to carry if out.



The freedom of the net and the right to anonymity make these situations easy.

Under the present circumstances, many sites exist where regulation is weak.

Poorly regulated sites are flooded with camera voyeurism images. How can we improve? Should we control,,?

Or do we try to improve peoples sense of awareness? If so what should people be concious of.


Q. “Camera Obscura” is the first camera in the world.
What is the origin of its name?

A. “Dark room”


“Black box”


Q. In 1903, “Cherry Hand Camera” was sold as the first band camera made in Japan.How much is this in that time?

A. About 2yen 30sen

About 4yen 50sen

About 6yen

Introduction for SNS


Portable sites that have a lot of service、suck as human-powered search Hatena,Hatena bookmark and Hatena blog. Openness Anonymity Popularity


It's not known very well in Japan. You can send pictures and messages with the captions. They will be delated in 10s after opening.
Openness Anonymity Popularity