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Freedom of expressioNET>Home>Cyber Cascade>summary


We live in an age when one's opinion can be sent quickly and easily around the world.

Conversely, we can cheerfully see others opinions.

How much responsibility  do you have when you post on the Internet?

Your remark on the Internet which spreads over the world isn't a soliloquy.

Even if it's unique, you'll become a victim and a wrong doer.

Can you be said to act with pride in the world?  It's necessary to take scrupulous notice and comment upon while always soliloquizing.

Also, majority opinion is an "Invisible pressure", and weighs on us when as we  live and discuss things openly.

That's also the same on the Internet.

The remarks under "Invisible pressure" will sometimes be like a knife, and remarks made against "Invisible pressure" will become subjects of attack.

We take the case of an Olympic emblem problem and have examined the mechanism of cyber cascade this time.

We think cyber cascade’s aspect is that biased opinions thrive and it creates "invisible pressure"

The above things we think are ideas that a person's opinions are not prejudiced. So some, way to control CyberCascades may exist.

But we hope that the tiny restriction leads to real freedom.