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About Miloslav Druckmüller

He is a proffesor at the Brno University of Technology Faculity of Mechanical Engineering Insutitute of Mathematics with Doctor rerum naturalium's degree.
On his website, he posts many photos of eclipses with inner coronas taken on digital cameras, advanced photographic films, fast computers and modern mathematics in combination with each other.

Brno University of Technology


It is abbreviated to BUT. 23,000 students are studying there and it has 8 faculities.
They offer cutting-edge education based on the latest scientific and professional knowledge.
BUT has been among the best universities in the world for several years in succession according to world university rankings by British company, Quacquarelli Symonds Limited.

On Sep 19th, 1889, the austrian Emperor and Hungarian King Franz Joseph 1 agreed to establish a Czech technical university in Brno and it came into existence.
When it opened, there were just 4 professors and 47 students.