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About Plagiarism Allegations

The Story

〜2014. October.10 Noon

Mr. Sano submitted the draft to the organizing committee.

2014. November

Mr. Sano's work is chosen out of 104 submissions.

During the trademark registration, a slightly similar work is found. The organizing committee decides to change the emblem.

2015. July.24

Mr. Sano's work is published.

A Belgian design company that registered the logo for a Liege theater pointed out that it is similar to theirs.

The suspion also surfaces about the work of Mr.Sano.


Mr. Sano holds an interview in which he insists accusations of plagiarism are completely groundless.


An agent of a Belgian designer announces that legal action is being taken so as to prevent the use of the logo for the International Olympic Committee.


The committee receives much criticism and publishes a draft.

“His draft is similar to a poster for an exhibition of Mr. Jan Tschichold, the German typographer.”

(→The "tweet" that Mr. Sano went there is found.)

“There is also a possibility of the diversion without notice”

New comment surfaced there.

A meet organizing committee announces that Mr. Sano's work won't be used.

Jan Tschichold(1902—1974)

This is the picture book sold at the exhibition

❇Jan tschochold

He was born as a sign maker's eldest son. He was also a typographer.

His trsining and knowledge of calligraphy were fused into his typography. So, he was different from other typographers.

He was a leading adrocate of the Modernist Design principle.

Wadem Choo

The font Mr. Jan Tschichold made, "Waddem Choo"

Reproduced from www.identifont.com(external link), with permission.