

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

Kind <Wedding>

First of all , grateful letters for guests are given . To write handwritten message cards to each guests and put it on their seats with name card , we can tell appriciative words directly to the guests who came the party . It's great of you if you can do it naturally though it is a hard work . The guests must be pleased with your behavior .
And you had better make a profile list of guests . It is rarely that all of the guests who is sitting on same table know each other . On the contrary , the number of person of nice to meet you is larger . In that case , by preparing seating charts like a word introduction , The guests who are invited alone don't need to feel lonely and conversation at the table will bound . Although these hospitarities are greatly wonderful , dishes are the most important . In particular , you must pay particular attention to allergies . Although it costs a little trouble and money , it's necessary consideration to have enjoyed by guests .
Besides , not only to hand a map but also to add information there and arrange for taxi or shuttle bus may please guests .


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