説明 Description


<池田屋事件(いけだやじけん)>Ikedaya Incident

八月十八日の政変によって京都から追い出された尊王攘夷(そんのうじょうい)派の 一部には、過激派も存在した。
御用改め(ごようあらため)である」と言い放ち、彼らは、 7人の尊王攘夷派を討ち取ることを成功させた。

Radical also existed in a part of the sonnou jyoui ha which was kicked out of Kyoto by coup of August 18. The extremists were planning the plan secretly to defeat the shogunate government. But,the Shinsengumi who knew it quickly rushed into Ikedaya where a part of the sonnou jyoui ha gathered. They said "Goyouaratamedearu", and killed seven people of the sonnou jyoui ha. Shinsengumi became famous for Ikedaya incident.