説明 Description


<天満屋事件(てんまんやじけん)>Tenmanya Incident

1867年11月15日にかの有名な坂本竜馬が暗殺された。 その犯人と疑われたのは、三浦休太郎(みうらきゅうたろう)という男。
しかし、16対7という人数差で相手を追い返し、三浦を安全なところに逃がしていた。 しっかりと任務をはたしたのである。

On November 15 in 1867, Sakamoto Ryoma was assassinated. The suspect is Miura Kyutaro.
Sixteen members assembled and went to Tenma Ya to take revenge on Miura.
On the other hand Miura already knew it and asked to Shinsengumi to guard himself. The number of Shinsengumi was 7.
It was heroic battle. Two of Shinsengumi member died in the battle and four got injured.
But even though the number was 16-to-7, Shinsengumi turned enemies away and managed to let Miura escape.They did good job.