
Miso - Soybean Paste -


 The raw material of the soybean paste is a soybean, rice or wheat and salt.
The soybean is difficult to digest as it is. Nutrition of the soybean, to soybean paste, becomes easy to digest in the function of "Aspergillum oryzae" and
other similar microorganisms. Moreover, apart from the sodium, protein, and carbohydrate, the lipid, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, and other chemicals, is also included in the soybean paste.

 When soybeans were mixed with malt rice they become "kome miso
(rice soybean paste)", if soybeans were mixed with malt wheat, they become
"mugi miso (wheat soybean paste", and lastly when soybeans were mixed
with malt bean they become "mame miso (bean soybean paste)".
"Kome miso" is most popular in Japan. "Mugi miso" is used in Kyushu,
Shikoku, and Kansai district. "Mame miso" is used in Tokai district.
The taste of soybean paste changes depending on the amount of malt.
There are soybean taste with a mildly salty taste, sweet taste, and dry taste.
If large amount of malt were used, they become very sweet.

When the soybean is steamed for a short time it becomes "White soybean paste". When it is steamed for a long time it becomes "Red soybean paste".
The soybean paste yields different taste and results according to
the temperature and humidity condition. Generally, the soybean paste
in the northeast district in Japan is usually spicy and color red.
But in the Kansai district it is often sweet and white.