Konsai - Root Crops -

History of Radish
 The radish was first found in the Mediterranean Sea, where it was
originally eaten by the ancient people of the Egypt, Greece and Rome.
In the beginning of the Jomon period or the Yayoi period, the radish was
introduced into Japan by China or Korea. It was also called
During the Genroku Era, the buckwheet noodle was eaten a lot, so
harsh flavors for radish was largely produced. They added
the dried strips of radish in rice. Throughout the Edo period
the breeding of radish was also improved.

History of burdock
 It is said that the original and wild kind of burdock are originally from
Europe, then to the Chinese northeast provinces. The origin burdock
spread from northern part of Eurasia, Europe until it reaches to China.
Then it was introduced to Japan from the Chinese during the Tumulus
period to the Heian period thousand of years ago. This was recorded
in the Court menu of the Heian period.
The growth of burdock was improved during the Edo period. They are
grown as vegetables and use in all sort of cooking. It is mostly eaten by
Japanese or Taiwanese people. However, the burdock is produce as herbal
medicines in China. The length of burdock can reach as much as
1.5 meters, according to their kind.

History of Potato
 The potato was first found in the central part of Andes in the
south United States. During the 16th century, the potato was spread to
Europe, and especially the cold places around the world. A potato type
which was origin of Indonesian called the "Jakarta" was delivered by
a Dutch ship to Japan in the beginning of Edo period. It was also called
the "Jakarta-mo"
At first, it was regard as to be something to enjoyable and admire
at home. A Dutch scholar "Takano Choei" began to cultivate potatoes
because the harvest was unsuccessful, during the Edo period.
The development of "Ezo", in Hokkaido, was widely grown and produced
during the beginning of Meiji era.
The potatoes which are sale in the supermarkets are mainly baron and
"May Queen" type potatoes. The"Baron potato" was named after Kawada
Baron, because he was the first to import baron potatoes to Japan.
On the other hand, the "May Queen" potatoes were
introduced during the Taisho period.