日本語     Sitemap


Do you know the word "LGBT"?
This site will introduce "LGBT", people who are in a situation that is socially mistreated.
The number of people who know the word LGBT is increasing.
It is also appearing in media such as TV programs.
This may surprise us how familiar this issue could be.

The purpose

By learning and understanding the correct knowledge of LGBT through this site,
we want to make environment that everyone is free from prejudice and discrimination.
Junior high school period is the first peak of young LGBT members to think about commiting suiside.
As we have to connect to our future, let's think about LGBT and learn more about LGBT.

Current status

Looking at the world, young people experience bullying in childhood at a rate of one-half to two-thirds of LGBT,
and one in three is refusing to go to school, dropping off or leaving school.
Many LGBT young people have been rejected by parents, driven out of their homes, and become homeless.
LGBT people are having a hard time because of prejudice and discrimination from the people around them.

                          Next:About this website
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This site is participating in the 21th Japan Junior high school/high school .