日本語     Sitemap

Let's think  Uniforms by gender |  Toilet |  Changing room |  School excursion 
              Ways to call |  Coming out

We had a discussion about LGBT in class.


We picked some problems what may happen in our scholl life.
It is a problem which seems Transgender faces the most.
Our knowledge about LGBT is not so broad, but we disucussed seriously, so please have a look.

Uniforms by gender

We have to wear our school uniform everyday as it indicates we belong to our school.
However, LGBT people sometimes feel uncomfortable with the rules such as "girl's uniforms are skirts" "men's uniforms are slacks".
Does the uniform need to be different for boys and girls?
How would you design the uniforms that LGBT people would not feel uncomfortable with?


Students spend a long time at school.
Students use the bathroom often.
However, among the LGBT people - some may say "I do not know which bathroom to use. "Girls' toilet or boys' toilet?"
What can be done for everyone to use the toilets comfortably?

Changing room

In our school we change our school uniform to gymnastic clothes separately before and after the physics class.
However, if there was a LGBT person in the class, how would this person feel?
How can we reduce the discomfort when choosing the changing room?

School excursion

During the school trips, we often do activities separately for boys and girls.
The hotel rooms need to be separated for boys and girls and the bathrooms are also divided for boys and girls. What can we do for everyone to enjoy the school trip if you were LGBT or not?

Ways to call

I often hear Koibuna (a story of love) in the classroom.
That person goes out with that person, he likes the girl in another class etc ...
If LGBT person is asked questions such as "Who's your favorite girl?" or "Do you have a boyfriend?",
What shall we do?

Coming out

"Coming out" requires lots of courage for LGBT people.
To whom should I come out? How can I say it? ...
Full of anxieties.....
How can we create an environment that makes it easier for LGBTs to come out?
Also, what would you do if someone come out to you?

           Before:Event-Netherlands         Next:Uniforms by gender
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This site is participating in the 21th Japan Junior high school/high school .