Funabashi city Hall |
What is Ally? |
Learn about LGBT
Foreigner interview |
Teacher interview |
School interview |
Jiyu Gakuen
In this section, we introduce what we interviewed and report about events where we visited.
Funabashi city Hall

Two of the member went to panel exhibition of LGBT which was held at Funabashi Gender Equality Center.
We will introduce various panels and our opinions about this exhibition.
What is Ally?
We went to the seminar "What is Ally?" which was held at Funabashi Gender Equality Center.
We will introduce our opinions of various people who participated in this seminar.
Learn about LGBT
We went to lecture which was held at Kashiwa City Gender Equality Forum.
We summarized about Koyuki-san's lecture and our opinions.
Foreigner interview
Do you think the understanding about LGBT in overseas is more advanced than Japan?
A lot of oversea people cooperated for us and we will introduce our interviews with them.
Let's look at the differences how people think about LGBT in abroad and Japan.
Teacher interview
LGBT people may experience hard time at school and other various occasions.
What kind of opinions do school teachers have about that?
We interviewed 8 school teachers about LGBT, so please have a look!

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This site is participating in the 21th Japan Junior high school/high school .