Rewriting information

The case that the information of rationale is rewritten. This is the case where small mistakes were edited in the minutes.
 The news of that the rationale is shown is Trustworthy. But it meaning is, if the information that is the basis was tamper, it is believed too. Also, tampering can make things that you didn't originally say.

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Japan case

The minutes are still widely used in Even today, where video recording is easy. It records the content of meetings, and may play an important role later. Not to mention minutes of state management are the basis for much news. Therefore, it needs to be accurate enough for the content of the meeting. However. Even in the minutes of such state management, there were cases where credit was jeopardized.

< The case where a mistake in the state management committee was erased from the minutes. >

 On May 16, 2016, At the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives of Japan, Shinzo Abe, then Prime Minister of Japan, made a mistake statement.
"You should learn a little about the operation of the parliament. For the parliament, I am the' head of the legislature'. The legislature and the administration are different authorities. I say nothing about the order of discussion (in parliament)”
Also, in response to questions from the House of Councilors Budget Committee "I'm in the legislature so I can't answer." Shinzo Abe was the Prime Minister of Japan at the time, so of course he was the head of government. So, unlike this statement, he was not the head of the legislature. His remark was wrong.
However, the former Prime Minister's mistake cannot be severely criticized. Certainly, it is a problem for the former Prime Minister, who was in a responsible position, to mistake the name of the institution involved in state management. It can't be helped even if it receives a little criticism. But even the Prime Minister is human. He can make a mistake too. In this case, the problem is not the mistake itself.

houses of parliament
Houses of Parliament / Photo by“PHOTO AC”
The reason for posting this case on this site is in the minutes about it. Records of the contents of the Diet meeting are available on the Internet. So even ordinary people like us can easily brows. Among them, this error is posted in this page. The 190th House of Representatives Budget Committee No. 20 The 077th remark by former Prime Minister Abe in the minutes of the meeting on May 16, 2016.→(
The record states that the Prime Minister said, " head of the government." However, as I wrote earlier, he mistakenly says "legislature" instead of "administrative government". The video library of the site called the House of Representatives Internet TV shows the state of this conference. We can see this mistake on this sit. only correcting minor mistakes, but the records of the conference on state management were "tampered with".
( "deli_id=45876" media_type May 16, 2016 Budget Committee Video. The statement in question begins at 2:33:20)
It's light, but it's definitely tampered with. And it is a big problem that it was done in a place related to state management. This time there was certain information about the video, so it was easy to see that it was tampered with. This time there was certain information about the video, so it was easy to see that it was tampered with. In that case, the tampered and incorrect information is trusted. And since trusted information is used as the basis for various news, the news with the basis becomes fake news too. While you can trust well-founded information, believing in just one piece of information is the most dangerous.

Abroad case

"Rewriting information" or "tampering" is not necessarily what the sender of the information intended. The place where the information is sent may be tampered with by hacking, resulting in fake news. In that case, the viewer will be shown false information that is different from the information he wanted to know. This case is also malicious because the caller will unintentionally send fake news.

< A case where a popular artist’s channel was hacked on a major video posting site and the thumbnail image was changed. >

April 10, 2018, On April 10, 2018, the cover image of "Despacito", a music video with higher number of views on YouTube, a major video posting site, was replaced with an image of a group holding a gun in a mask. This image itself was not a reality or a claim of an actual person, but an image of fiction cut out from a certain drama. However, of course, the artist’s of this song did not post with such the thumbnail, and they had no idea that was changed the thumbnail. At this time, their music video had been tampered with by hacking.

You Tube
Image of You Tube / Photo by“PIXADAY”
 Actually, at that time, the music videos of other popular artists were also damaged one after another. What all the affected artists have in common is that they are listed on "VEVO", a major American music video provider. Later, it was discovered that VEVO's YouTube channel had been hacked and the video had been tampered with. In response to this incident, a person named "Prosox" or "Kuroi'SH" wrote on Twitter that he had done it, and also commented that "it was not malicious and I just played a little."
As they wrote, this hack can be thought of as a mere mischief or play rather than a serious one such as stealing information or causing a system malfunction. But from a "fake news" perspective, what they did was a hack. The hacking they performed is the act of tampering with information that explains information such as titles, cover images, and video descriptions, and corresponds to the "wrong association" that was also dealt with on this site. In addition, they did that to tens or hundreds of millions of people with accounts unrelated to themselves. They said they didn't have offensive. But it's true that they used hacking to send fake news. As mentioned on other pages, you should always be aware that there is fake news that is not malicious.



Information and opinions based on credible information are usually credible. 少At the very least, few would doubt the accuracy of the minutes of the Diet, and one would feel that the opinions built on that basis are true. However, "rewriting information" can basically be any record. This means that any record can be fake.
In addition, "It's okay because it's a reliable site, a trusted site, etc." Even such information can be fake news. As mentioned earlier, fake news can be created with or without malicious intent. When a site that was written correct information is attacked by "rewriting information" due to hacking or the like. When the basis is already fake news due to falsification etc. The information can often be fake new. The most important thing, though rudimentary, is to compare multiple pieces of information when looking for or discovering information. In this society, we must always be strongly aware of what we must do it.

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